Wednesday 21 May 2014

apologies are a common theme in the book of my life

I'm sorry.

I've pretty much disappeared off the face of the blogging world this past month but I do have some great and some not so great excuses:

-I worked for about half of my spring break
-I studied for the other half of said spring 'break'
-I had a lot of seminary sleep to catch up on (this is a huge priority for now but I only have 2 days left!!!)
-I'm still either writing these posts on my tiny phone or attempting to borrow my parents' laptops
-It was my birthday! Yay!
-I had oral finals (finally officially finished attempting to speak sophisticated German & French)
-I have the rest of my finals to study for and cry about (they are a lot more tough than U.S. high school finals...from what I've heard)
-I've been going on super cute adventures with friends from school and church
-I've been dreaming about BYU way too much

I hope these suffice because I'm struggling to think of more.

Luckily I've only just realized that blogger is amazing and allows you to schedule when to post blog posts so I'll try to be more organised from now on :)

Hope you're having a great week!

Lots of Love,
Reilly Michele