Sunday 20 October 2013

A month later...

Aaaaanndd....... I haven't been on here in a while (well a month isn't that long seeing as time flies by these days). I guess life got in the way. I can't say it's been crazy (because it hasn't) but it's not been a breeze either.
Senior year is weird! I don't hate it but I don't love it.
It's weird being the oldest and having to share the common room with younger students (which by the way is nothing like it is in the Harry Potter movies) in stead of being afraid of ruining the day of someone who is older and scary (Yes, that is how i used to define Senior High School students).
Because now i'm the scary, older, wiser student (well I thought the older students were wiser.. I probably am not), the responsible one that seems to have their life mapped out. Neither of which are true.
Although I have an idea of what I want to do with my life, it's just a matter of seeing if that is what Heavenly Father has planned for me. (I just reeeeaaallly hope that i'm on the right path... because I think I am. Which is a good thing right?).
I had a mock interview the other day (a school thing...I wonder if they have those in the states??) and luckily they didn't ask me where I would see myself in five years because i really doubt that I will be where I hope to be. (Remind me to look back at this in five years... and hopefully laugh about this).
I really need to organise my thoughts and add pictures so I do not bore anybody (just myself at this point.. I'm not surprised that NOBODY is reading this randomness). That's right.. nobody. I'm not just a random loner in reality but also on the internet (yay me!).