Sunday 8 September 2013

Hello world!

So I finally did it. I joined the world of blogging! I have no idea what I should really say though. Considering I am blogging on the day I created this blog is quite an accomplishment considering the fact that I've had Twitter for nearly three years and I still haven't tweeted once (I have no idea what I could say in 140 characters that would be interesting or inspirational!). So what should I say? Maybe I could start with a simple introduction? Well I'm a High School senior in the middle of England (so that's sixth form for any Brits out there) and I'm applying to BYU in a months time. I've lived in the states, Germany and most recently the UK. I'm the only girl in my family alongside four very individual brothers that can really drive me crazy sometimes (I won't dare mention what brother number two did today). I do love them to bits though because they make me who I am. They teach me a lot as well! My parents aren't just the people who have helped me grow up but they're also the people that I can rely on the most. They're my best friends and they make me laugh like nobody else can. My Dad is an amazing person and I couldn't imagine having any other Father in the entire Universe. He keeps me sane and never fails to make me smile. He understands me better than I do sometimes. And my mother. There are too many words that describe how wonderful she is. She's the best teacher someone could ask for. She's so kind and caring and non judgmental and I probably don't give her enough credit. I just hope that one day I'll end up being somewhat like her. And even if it isn't much, I know that my kids will still have an awesome mom. You probably all think that I'm some weirdo that doesn't spend a lot of time socializing with people her own age but surprisingly I do. I just know that I'll know my family the longest and the best ,so I make the most out of it :) I hope we all do and if we don't then I hope that we all learn to.