Sunday 30 March 2014

My love ( well more of an obsession) for Disney

As I have mentioned in many previous posts, I love Disney!

I've been lucky enough to have amazing parents who have raised me watching Disney movies and embracing all things that have to do with Disney.

And I've already found out that BYu has a Disney history club (and oh yes, I've already joined the facebook group!). So I'm super excited to meet fellow disney fanatics!

I've also been lucky enough to visit multiple Disneylands on multiple occasions. I still have my little pink Mickey Mouse hat with my name sewn in.
(Visiting every Disneyland is on my bucketlist and if my future hubby ever reads this I hope he takes note of that...and yes the perfect place to get engaged would be in front of Rapunzel's castle....with the the Disney crew singing our song as he kneels and asks me {saying my full name of course!}....but I can only dream).

But why do I love Disney so much some people may ask?
Because it's the happiest thing on earth!
Walt Disney wanted to create entertainment that the whole family could enjoy together and now almost 80 years later, families continue to do so.
Disney movies remind me of my childhood and since nostalgia is a HUGE problem in my life (mainly because I spent in living in paradise: the weather was always perfect in AZ and I do not ever remember having to wear a coat!).
I remember the nights I spent laying on my blankie on the living room floor, watching classic disney movies such as the Lion King and the Little Mermaid with my older brother whilst the ceiling fan span in a soothing rhythm. I always felt safest and happiest watching Disney movies, cartoons and shows. I was deprived from the Disney Channel so I was always pretty jealous of my 'rich' friends who got to watch it whenever they wanted (and yes in my eyes you were only rich if you had cable, inclusing the precious Disney Channel). So any of you out there who had that gift growing up, I hope you apprecitated it! :)

Today so many kids watch so much junk and even some of the newer Disney tv shows are pretty unique. Yet every time I watch a Disney movie I learn something new. Whether it's that love is the most important thing ever (especially the love siblings have for each other) or that positivity can help solve the hardest of problems, Disney movies teach great values.
My future kiddies are going to know every Disney movie off by heart and get so excited whenever we take them to Disneyland. Plus they'll have the cutest Disney Halloween costumes ever!

Anyways I hope you all love and appreciate the magic of Walt Disney. He was a wonderful man and I hope that one day I have the priveledge of meeting him!

Now to end with random pictures that show my disney obsession...

(One is me on my world book day costume..yes Princess Leia is a Disney princess since Lucas Films is owned by Disney and as for the rest of the random paper cutouts I found in my chapel's closet on a Tuesday night.. Aren't they awesome?)

Lots of love and Disney magic,
Reilly Michele

Sunday 23 March 2014

Inspiration from Erica

Two posts in one day? That is a miracle for me! I've been wanting to blog so much for a while now but I've just been extremely busy :'( To the point where I've gotten myself sick from all the stress (=not good). But I love blogging!! So here goes post #2

My favourite blogger ever called Erica did a Q&A blogpost and she's invited her readers to answer her questions, too! Yay!
First of all Erica is actually one of the main reasons I started blogging. And she doesn't even know who I am (which is the freakiest thing ever so I do apoligise to Erica if she is reading this...i'd be a little freaked out myself if some random girl halfway accross the globe were blogging about please don't think I'm crazy).

The reason I even know about Erica is because of my dream come true school BYU. [I don't think I've mentioned the fact that I GOT ACCEPTED!!! But I've endlessly been bouncing off the walls and getting emotional every since I got the news]

Since I live over here in the UK, I haven't had the opportunity to visit BYU. Luckily this awesome girl blogged all about her tours of BYU and BYU-I and I was able to 'visit' BYU with her.

I absolutely adore her blog! It's so inspirational! I have so much fun reading all about her adventures at the Y and all the fun that she has. I am extremely excited to attend BYU in the Fall and have my own experiences to blog about! She's inspired me to put  all my adventures into words and share them with my friends, family and followers. So thank you Erica for igniting my passion for blogging and keeping me pumped for BYU.

Now on to answering her questions..

1. Dream vacation?
A vacation is good enough for me! I do love exploring new places and discovering new things so I would love any kind of adventure holiday as long as some relaxing and sunshine was included.

2. Favorite hobby?
Does napping count? Naps are keeping me alive these days! I can't believe I used to hate them as a child. How foolish of me!
I do love to cook. I love making new things, trying new recipes and making meals for others. Maybe that's why I love hosting dinner parties, assigning recipes for the guests to make and having a fabulous time with the people I love.
Apart from that I also love photography. Capturing perfect moments it the best thing ever! I also love taking pictures of trees and nature. Oh I just love too many things!

3. What would you do with $10,000?
Hmm this one is tricky. How far would that go these days? I think i'd give it to my parents. They have done to much for me in my life and I am so grateful for them! If it was more money, I'd buy them their dream home. I hope they'd spend it wisely, maybe go on a wonderful cruise? Oooh second thought: I'd take my family and best friend on a Disney cruise!!!!! That's totally the best way to spend all of that dough.

4. If you could do ANYTHING {do anything, go anywhere, meet anyone...} what would it be?
Oh deary me! This one is hard as well. Could I travel around the world please (and cross a few things off my bucket list on my way round)? But only after I've met my prince and we're happily married. That would be the awesomest honeymoon ever! And yes I dream big :)

5. What frustrates you?
I'm frustrated when things don't go my way. But I learn from them. I know that there's a reason they didn't happen or other things happened instead and I deal with it. Life wasn't meant to be perfect so why do we try to make it seem that way?
I'm also frustrated by mean people. Why do people have to be so mean? We all know how hard it is to feel happy and confident and yet we tear eachother down. I think it's important to try to uplift and make a difference. We need to be positive in a world of negativity.

6. Why do you blog?
I blog because I love it. I blog simply because it's something I enjoy. I really love reading uplifting blogs and reading all the adventures people have. So why not start documenting my own in a twenty first century way?

7. Favorite movie? Book? Song?
Anything Disney! I am such a Disney fanatic! I absolutely love Disney movies because they are so heart warming! They remind me of my sweet childhood. They are the movies I can watch with my parents and little brothers over and over again and know that we will all enjoy.
My other favourite movies are Shirley Temple movies. She never ceases to put a smile on my face and I've dreamed of meeting her in person. Now that this dream is not possible due to Shirley's passing, I appreciate her talent even more. I think everyone should watch at least one Shirley Temple movie before they die. I love and recommend Heidi and the little princess the most since they are the books I loved as a little girl.

8. What is a little-known fact about yourself?
I collect postcards. My collection isn't very big at the moment but I hope it will grow. I've just started picking up a postcard from places I have visited. So far I have some from London, Paris, Hadrian's wall, Arizona and Tunisia. I really do regret not picking up postcards from other places I've been so don't hesitate to send me one!

9. Favorite picture?
Oh I couldn't ever pick just one! I'm very indecisive if you haven't already noticed. I adore the pictures of me as a little kid in Arizona. I have the biggest grin on my face in some of them and seem not to have a care in the world. I really miss that feeling! My mom used to make me the cutest little outfits to wear as a tot and someday I hope that I can do the same thing for my little ones (especially if I have a little girl). Also any picture of my family is a favourite of mine. They mean the world to me and I love seeing the fun we have together.

10. Are you shy or outgoing?
I am both sides of the coin. Most people will say that I'm outgoing but I sure can be shy when I want to be.

11. What do you think of your hometown?
What is my hometown? I don't really remember my birthtown or any of my life spent in the states and yet I feel like an alien here in England although i'm brittish and american. (I know I'm confused myself)
I do love the town I grew up in in Germany. That place was wonderful! I lived in a great not-so-small town that was near enough in the country although it was only a 30 minute drive from the big city of Frankfurt. All my friends lived nearby and my high school was only accross the street. Everyone was extremely friendly, greeting eachother with 'Guten Tag' as they passed even if they were complete strangers. We would walk three streets down on a sundat afternoon and be in beautifully coloured fields. Although we were seen as the loud foreign family and I didn t know this at the time, I had an ideallic childhood spent in a majestical place. I think I could write an entire essay all about it. (Another blogpost idea?)

Wow? That was a lot longer than I expected! I'd love to read your anwers to the same questions.
Just remember to love the little things and make endless memories.
Reilly Michele

Monday 3 March 2014

Modest is hottest

This is no lie people!
Modesty really is something that can make someone more attractive.  With spring break and swimsuit season just around the corner I was reminded of this speech given by a young woman about modesty. It's one of my favorite speeches ever given. I know she is mostly promoting her clothing range but I am still amazed by this girl! Just watch it. I am struck every time by the message she gives. She is amazing!

I said you'd love it! (if not then there is no point in you reading any further)

These days modesty is less and less important to people  (the media is a prime example of this...shall I even bother mentioning a certain ex-Disney pop star singing about construction machinery?) .
Not only are clothes getting tighter and weirder, but they are also getting shorter and smaller. Although not all people have the same views on modesty, no matter what, I think it is important to portray yourself in a way that you will not be ashamed of in ten years time.
You are responsible for how people see you. The world is so judgmental these days that portraying your own image has become an everyday task. Do you really want others to see you in a way you never want to be seen? Shopping for decent clothes is like searching for treasure: when you find modest clothing buy it! usually just when i find something that is just long enough and doesn't look like the pioneers wore it (I still respect my ancestors that crossed the plains but that doesn't mean we share the same fashion sense) I am always amazed to see people dress in a way that portrays to the world that they are someone of grace and elegance, someone of virtue. Don't get me wrong, I still respect those who don't dress like me because there is no need to judge. Nobody is perfect! I sure am not. I'm just finding it really hard to put into words what modesty means to me without sounding like a freaky church girl that everyone avoids so sorry for the rambling. This speech really just sums up all that I think about when it comes to modesty. I as a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have a pretty unique stand on modesty (for example all of my clothes cover my shoulders and are knee length...hence why it takes me forever to find cute fashionable modest clothes....and trying to find a decent prom dress has been a nightmare!) The reason modesty is most inportant to me is the respect I have for my heavenly father who gave each and everyone of us a body. He loves us and gave us a body so we can experience life on earth to the fullest. We can run, cilmb, laugh, hug and enjoy all things life has in store for us. I am so blessed to have a healthy strong body and have decided to show how grateful I am by dressing in a way that shows how much I love my heavenly father and all he has done for me. I hope you think more about how you protray yourselves in the world. And I also hope that you can be opround of who you are. Please remember this: We are all loved more than you can imagine! Best wishes, Reilly Michele