Saturday 22 February 2014

Oh Brother!

Let me just mention the fact that I have THE best brothers in the world! [Not because they are super heroes and frequently save my day] It's simply because they find the most unique ways to put a smile on my face.

First of all I have four brothers (i'm squashed between the oldest and middle child) and used to be so sick of boys. I mean I had a huge tantrum when I found out my mother was pregnant with my now 10 year old blonde bombshell brother; it's not every day you yell "Not another stinkin' boy!". But now I would not trade them for the world. For Pete's sake they are my world!

We haven't always gotten along but now we are a tight bunch of peas in a pod. I love being an older sister and sharing all my knowledge and silly mistakes with them so they know not to repeat them. Plus I can act as immature as I want and still be the most well behaved kid in the family {best perk ever... my family > your family}. Plus you have someone to go to the cinema with to see the latest disney/kids movies.

Anyways the reason they make me smile is because they aren't afraid to do things. Sometimes those things may be to annoy me or try something rediculously stupid like pinning close pegs to their tongues but they make me laugh. Even if it may not be until I've thought about what happened.
Moral of the story: love your family no matter how crazy they are because evetually they will learn to love you back (even if they don't quite show the feeling of love to you at this moment in time)
Remember to love your brothers.
Best wishes, Reilly Michele

Frozen love in February

Well what a year it has been so far! It feels like it's flown by! Don't ya think? Did January happen? And where has February gone? Although this month is the shortest of them all it has streched out pretty well.

It's been filled with some of my favourite things: finally seeing Frozen, Valentines day and the winter olypmics.

First of all I went on this super duper cute date filled with a shockingly terrible yet hilarious game of mini-golf (it was terrible because I felt so bad for the guy because J was such an embarrasment hitting the golf ball all over the place), a walk around the city of Nottigham (it's a pretty awesome city so go check it out!) and a trip to the theater to finally see Frozen. And yes I loved it! Can't stop singing the songs and telling everyone how much I love disney (Have I mentioned the fact that I adore Disney? Well know y'all know).

Secondly Valentine's day: now most people hate it because it reminds them that a. They're single b. Other people are happier than they are and c. They don't have somebody special that loves them. So what? Why be dependent on others for your happiness in life? Just learn to embrace everything you have. And if that doesn't work then have a cookie :) Yes I made THE most adorable cookies ever for V-day because everyone was saying how much they hate the day. It's a day of love, no matter what form that comes in so why can't it come from a friend? Hence why I baked & brought a tin full of pink sugar coated heart shaped cookies to school. I'm glad to say I put a few smiles on people's faces.

And that's not all that happened on V-day. We also had a stake etiquette dinner. So of course I had a valentine's (or two) there! [I think i am probably the only child out there that loves valentine's day even though she's a single pringle] It was yet again the sweetest thing ever. The cultural hall had magically been transformed into a restaurant, complete with piano music and a zillion forks. Although i'm the oldest in the stake I still loved it!

So what's the moral of these stories? Learn to embrace life and all that it has. Smiles make the world a better place so never cease to have one on your face :)

Lots of love, Reilly